Sunday, September 7, 2014

I am here when you are in trouble!!

Hi All,

You know, from quite a time I am realising that you know I am very good at giving advices (only when asked), and motivating  and boosting spirits up. Like, when my friends fail in exams or when they have heart breaks or suppose they are having problems with their spouses or gf/bf or suppose they are not happy about their job. So, when they come to me, with all these kindaa problems I always support them and guide them by giving practical solutions and also keeping their emotions in mind. So, in short u can say that I am a bit of agony aunts types. So, for that purpose I was thinking why not take this thing ahead and to a larger audience. I know that life is not so easy. We all have some or the other problems in life. You know, many times it so happens that I meet some person for the first time in my life and when I spend time with him or her, I find oh he or she is so happy or so well settled and Wow!! what a great bf/gf/spouse he/she has and hey man he is so wealthy, he is driving his own car and things like that but as and when I come closer to him or her and know him more and more with the passage of time, I realise that well all that glitters is not gold. They too are struggling with some or the other problems in their life. So guys, problem in life is inevitable but it all depends on our approach to it and interpretation of the same.

So, for anyone of you out there, if you have any kind of problem and you need to sort it out or just even share  the same as you know you feel light when u open up you may write to me on my blog or mail me on And I wont disappoint you for sure.

Have a Happy Happy Sunday!!

C you all very soon. Cheers!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Book Review - I Am Malala

Hi All,

I am back and this time I want to share my views with all of you on a Book I read lately - I am Malala. I know the book and the girl "Malala" needs no introduction. The entire world knows about her. But to be very frank, I didn't. Yes I mean it I didn't know about her unless I read this book. Almost 2 years back when she was in the news for being shot by a Taliban "Point Blank range", I just read the headlines and passed on. But after I read the book, I came to know what an Incredible book this is and what makes it incredible is the person "Malala" , her belief in the right of Education of each and every child in this planet, and she made it heard. This story is about Bravery, Courage, Will Power and Belief. It will make you believe in the power of One Person's voice. She proves when you stand for your rights and when you believe in something, what age you are, how much money and power you have does not matter.

Here are we people who have all the resources, money, food, comfort, luxury even and how far do we go in life. By any means we are able to satisfy our needs and that is more than enough. Here is a family who does not have sufficient resources to fulfill their own needs and which is working for the rights of education especially girls education, despite the threatening of Talibans. Where even survival was a challenge they stood for Education rights, which is the basic right of any human being.

A child of her age who is supposed to be playing around with dolls, toys and friends is busy fighting for her as well as others right to education. You will be surprised to hear her speak (@ UN and other conventions), the maturity and the courage that she has. Be it the chaos makers in Nigeria or be it her mentioning in an international tv channel that she wants to become Prime Minister of Pakistan, she has got it all.

It is also the love, support and encouragement of her parents in a society who prizes the son that has made her what she is.

Malala is not just a girl. Malala is a voice. Malala is an Inspiration. Malala is courage. Malalal is bravery. Malala is a Celebration. She is indeed worlds Bravest Girl.

I would like to repeat few lines from the Book:

"We human beings dont realise how great God is. He has given us an extraordinary brain and a sensitive loving heart. He has blessed us with two lips to talk and express our feelings, two eyes which see a world of colours and beauty, two feet which walk on the road of life, two hands to work for us, a nose which smells the beauty of fragrance, and two ears to hear the words of love. As I found with my ear, no one knows how much power they have in their each and every organ until they lose one". This is so simple and yet so true.

Life is indeed beautiful. And we can do so much to make it beautiful for ourselves and others. If we really want to make a difference to others life there is so much to do for Society, for the ones who are underprivileged. Malala proves that if you really want to do something, it does not take money or power to do it, its only your willingness to do it, and the passion for it.

"Indeed, the world bravest girl."  

"I am Malala". I am truly inspired by it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

My TREKKING Experience 2014

You know guys as I have mentioned in my Profile that one of my Interests is Travel and this is so true. As I am in Audit field (CA), my clients are located at various States so I get to travel a lot. But they are still official tours. You know I feel like packing my bags and just go abruptly to some place. And this year I did a very weird thing. Not very common for an Indian girl belonging to middle class family. I went to trekking to Manali, Himachal Pradesh and that too ALONE. Yes guys I went to trekking alone. Actually 10 years back in the year 2003, I did go to trekking to Manali just after giving my 12th Exam with bunch of friends from my School. And it was such a thrilling and amazing experience that I was looking forward to it since than. But due to studies and job and such other priorities with me and my friends we were not able to make it whenever we planned. So this time I had decided that whatever it is, if no one joins me I will go to trekking even if that means going Alone (Some Inspiration taken from Deepika Padukone, Lol). And I actually did.

And than the day finally came when I left home Alone for Manali via Delhi. The journey upto Manali was fine, and as I am used to travelling Alone due to my Official trips, there was nothing strange for me in it. But when I got down alone at Kullu and had to locate my Base Camp, my heart came to my mouth. I was feeling like "OMG, what I am doing here Alone in another state at 6 in the morning, looking out for my Base Camp. I was horrified, insecure and thrilled at the same time. (When I come across such situation, I start laughing at me as sometimes I dont understand my own actions and the reason behind it). So, anyways I managed to reach my Base Camp and than my real experience began.

I think besides 2-3 other people (MEN) I was the only one (Female) who had come alone in my group. And so much as I was surprised about my "Alone trip" so were others (And yes that definitely drew lot of attention to me but ofcourse not in THAT sense but yes it did). There were people who had come with family, wife, husband, friends who had come in group and it was so good to see them enjoy like that and yes at that point of time I did feel a bit lonely and that oh what if I had come with my friends, it would have altogether been a different story but I only felt happy seeing all of them and yes they also never made me feel lonely. There was always some or the other person in times of my trouble whether it was trouble climbing a rock (There was someone to give me hand) or when I got hurt or slipped off or had trouble walking in the snow. Guys, I never had such a terrific experience of walking or sliding in the snow. We experienced rainfall, shivering cold, snowfall, hailstorms, clouds below us, and what not. It was such a terrific experience. Only rarest of the rare get the same and I am one of those lucky few.

And you know what made this everything worth? A guy from the trek whom I had not spoken to in the entire trek told me "Be as strong and bold always as u r now". He made my entire trekking worth. And I will never forget those kind words.

So, this is how my amazing experience ended and it would always stay in my Heart and Mind. And am looking forward for another one sometime in future.

P.S. This is one of those 20 things I would recommend to do Before you get Married, Yes I would!! ;-) Go out Alone (or with company). The world is waiting for You!!